Research from the Data Center shows that there are 274,000 working age adults living in struggling families in New Orleans – i.e. making less than the living wage. Yet, there are only 184,000 ‘good jobs’ - which we define as jobs that are attainable without a four-year degree, and that are full-time with benefits and a living wage. The addition of only 33,200 more good jobs are expected by 2020.
> > Learn more about why we started the Good Jobs Initiative

nana's afia's ART EXPO is a social enterprise inspired by a passion for safe water access and providing good jobs in New Orleans. nana afia manufactures cultural products that improve consumers lives and connects them to social change.

REO, LLC is a real estate advisory company, focused on helping clients obtain tax incentives which make projects feasible that would not be feasible but for the tax incentive.

Markit360 is a community of experienced, creative marketing professionals dedicated to helping businesses harness the power of marketing to grow. We want our clients to value and take advantage of traditional and digital marketing to achieve goals, enrich relationships and gain confidence that their marketing efforts are working.

The brainchild of a fourth-generation agriculturalist, Oko Vue provides modern solutions for sustainable land practices — making organic home grown produce and storm water management affordable for everyone.