Woke Girls - Mickey Maki
Boston, MA - https://wokegirls.com
Woke Girls uses narrative to show girls ages 4-11, especially girls from historically marginalized communities, that even when the world is unfair, they have the power to love themselves, stand up for what is right and create a better world! Woke Girls brand consists of a middle grade chapter book series and 10" dolls. The narrative acknowledges real life adversity while casting girls as heroes who overcome. Products fund programming for girls ages 8-18 with a focus on social justice, self-actualization, navigating adversity, redefining our narrative, activism and entrepreneurship.

madeBOS - Martha Hernandez
Oakland, CA - https://www.madebos.com
madeBOS (made by own self) is an AI driven, career pathing platform that empowers employees of entry-level jobs, to drive their own career development. madeBOS delivers a configurable and customizable solution to address retail's short and long-term talent strategic goals and leverages Machine Learning to curate attainable career paths increasing diversity, engagement, retention and performance.

Project 99 - Yulkendy Valdez
Boston, MA - https://www.project99.co
Project 99 delivers a data-driven curriculum leveraging empathy and design thinking to help companies engage and retain their millennials of color. Millennials of color are 3x more likely to quit their jobs. This high turnover is due to "unfair treatment" from microaggressions to outright discrimination that is widespread in Corporate America. This "millennial drop-out rate" costs companies $30.5B a year. That's why, we develop leadership programs for companies to better engage and retain their diverse talent.

Civic Eagle - Damola Ogundipe
Atlanta, GA - https://www.civiceagle.com
Organizations that engage in policy advocacy (from the NAACP, to corporations, to Chambers of Commerce) have low rates of success. Less than 20% of the time, an advocacy campaign actually results in the desired outcome. Our company created a solution that utilizes Artificial Intelligence to help organizations maximize the quality and outcomes of their policy advocacy campaigns.

Cognitive Toybox - Tammy Kwan
Brooklyn, NY - https://www.cognitivetoybox.com
One third of children in the US start kindergarten unprepared in critical language and math skills. Cognitive ToyBox is developing an early childhood platform for kindergarten readiness. We develop touchscreen games that make it easier for teachers to do assessment and for children to learn foundational language and math skills.

Science with Sophie - Sophie Strand
Chicago - www.youtube.com/sciencewithsophie
Science With Sophie is an interactive science comedy series inviting viewers to explore science all around them and remember they are brave, curious, funny, smart scientists every day. With an all-female writing team and cutting-edge teaching pedagogy like the Next Generation Science Standards, the show combats inequity in STEM fields and underrepresentation of women in mainstream science media.

Sidekick Education - Ashwin Halgeri
Chicago, IL - https://www.sidekick.education
7000 high school students drop-out daily in the US. Real-world projects, with real interactions with corporate partners, increase graduation rates by 50%. Yet, only 1% of teachers use them since they take so long to organize. Sidekick is a digital assistant that makes it easy for high school teachers to turn current company problems into engaging in-class project. We have a portfolio of 50 real-world projects from our 30 corporate partners that are standards aligned. Teachers just need to pick and run the project, we do the rest.

Metas: Future List Tanya Menendez
San Francisco, CA - https://metas.io
The Future List is an online marketplace for workers in manufacturing and logistics. We are a marketplace that recommends resources and jobs for workers. Using novel forms of education and job placement, we are empowering the next generation of manufacturing workers to discover career opportunities and training programs.

Pro:Up - Myles Morgan
Detroit, MI - www.pro-up.co
Pro:Up automates and personalizes opportunity and talent discovery, allowing people to do what they’re already doing with more immediacy and relevance. It helps youth-focused non-profits, companies, and colleges engage and recruit high school students. With Pro:Up operating at full capacity, hundreds of thousands of youth who start with disconnected networks will be able to access the same kinds of opportunities as more privileged youth. By making opportunity and talent discovery more efficient, we create a system that diversifies talent pipelines, accelerates workforce development, and reduces skills gaps over time.

Possip - Shani Dowell
Nashville, TN - www.possipit.com
Possip gives parents a platform to share insights with schools. Parents complete a weekly survey, their feedback is analyzed and organized, then an actionable report is generated for each school. Schools are equipped to prioritize follow up and respond to parents. We nurture open communication between the two most important entities in a student's life - their family and their school.

Tiltas - Tiffany Smith
Washington, D.C. - https://www.tiltas.co
Through a twilio-integrated platform, Tiltas provides organizations with an easy to use communication platform to reach out to their target population (the formerly incarcerated) and share/collect important data. Tiltas also has the capability to become a platform utilized by probation/parole departments and government agencies, to track outcomes and status of their clientele/provide support.

BabyNoggin - Jin Lee
San Francisco, CA - https://www.babynoggin.com
We are building an end-to-end child health & wellness platform: starting with screenings on behavioral issues, sleep, nutrition, next refer them to specialists through telemedicine, then help care coordinating to local and state resources for long term intervention. Lastly, we leverage machine learning and AI on the behavioral data for predictive analytics.

Quartolio - Nicole Bishop
New York, NY - https://quartolio.com - Quartolio is an intelligent knowledge management platform that accelerates research by connecting the dots across scientific data and documents. With AI, Quartolio analyze millions of Open Access articles and datasets, connects the dots, aggregates it all in a single web platform, and personalizes scientific research by curating to each researcher's needs. Our business model is B2B "knowledge as a service" (KaaS).

Premedly - Tasheema Prince
Washington, D.C. - https://www.premedlife.com
There are over a million job openings in health care and half go unfilled. Employers are searching for candidates beyond their "hard" skills. Premedly creates microcontent for students to learn "soft" skills and demonstrate competency to compete for real jobs.

Go Together - Kimberly Moore
Washington, D.C. - https://gotogether.today
Go Together's mission is to see children across this country even the globe attend the school or program that will help them succeed in life by removing transportation as the obstacle to getting there. By leveraging technology through families trusted resources like schools and afterschool programs, we can deliver trust they need to build community, communicate, collaborate working together to get their children where they need to go. We believe the power of these communities can lead to friendships for their children especially starting a new school or program. More than just a ride.

Goals Genius - Bianca Cabrera
Brooklyn, NY - www.goalsgenius.com
Goals Genius enables teachers to collaborate and document student progress with digital student work. We then recommend the most effective accommodations for students going forward via a proprietary algorithm. Administrators can then analyze data to determine which teachers are not complying with IEPs and which teachers are successfully documenting student work to help students progress.